when the pieces are falling to place

when I saw you the really first time. when I fellt your sholder into mine. when you made me smile that horrible day.
when I fellt like all my trobelse flew away up and even father into the sky. when you took my hand, I knew it was you.
I hope that everytime I will take your hand all my trobels will flew even higher into the sky, higher and higher.
I hope everytime I will take your hand, I love you even more


Postat av: Maj

Karin är den bästa! <3

2007-05-19 @ 22:47:01
Postat av: Maj

Mohahaha! :D Älskar dej gumman, tack för det mesta. D får jue inte lämna oss, genom att åka till GBG! :( Men hoppas de blir kul där! Du är så bra på att skriva, du borde bli författare. Du har en bra inlevelse. :) pussis

2007-05-19 @ 22:48:35

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